Led by the Spirit on a Mission for souls

About Monicas’ Hope Ministry Artwork

As you look at our MHM image,  so many of us can see ourselves leading our loved ones back to Jesus, the light of Christ guiding our every step. 

It may seem that your journey is an arduous uphill climb.  Trust in Jesus and join us in communal prayer at a local branch meeting or by starting a branch of your own.

Monicas’ Hope Ministry Branch

The Vineyard of Monicas’ Hope

Christ The King RCC
1102 Hart Road
Towson, MD

Tuesdays, 1 pm (following mass)

New Branches Forming
  • small groups
  • sanctuary prayer service
  • the homebound
  • care facilities
  • travelers
  • bible study groups
  • parish services
Your Branch is your variety
  • Men and/or Women
  • contemplative or interactive
  • small or large groups
  • men only or women only

Who We Are

We’re just three moms and grandmoms praying for the souls of our loved ones, led by the spirit to help others find or grow a Monicas’ Hope Ministry of their own.

It all started with a text message.

Some two years ago (let’s say the fall of 2020), our foundress began texting a few friends on a daily basis, just to encourage them to pray and have a sense of solidarity in our common goal of asking Saint Monica to be our intercessor and helping to bring our children back to the church

As we know, God’s hand is in everything, and before long Josie was invited by two of the members of her texting group to go to a debut prayer service in Wilmington Delaware. That service was so moving, that Josie immediately signed up to lead a similar prayer Josie asked a fellow parishioner, whom she vaguely knew, Nina, if she would be interested and helping form this ministry, and Nina jumped on board without abandonment and suggested a third party to bring in to help us, Judy, who has been indispensable!

Within a few short weeks, the Holy Spirit began to move on all three ladies, nudging us to Branch out on our own and expand our territories.

And here we are now, helping you find or cultivate a Monicas’ Branch of your OWN!

Monicas' Hope Daily Prayer to St. Monica

Dear St. Monica, we ask your intercession on behalf of our “lost” loved one(s)_________ who have fallen away from the One True Faith. Encourage us with the unshakable strength of HOPE, LOVE, TRUST and MERCY that you showed to God as you persevered in prayer for the conversion of your son, St. Augustine. We can hear the cries of our loved ones’ souls longing to return to GOD’S LOVE, THE LOVE which reaches out to them in their blindness. We pray that our persistence in prayer opens the door to their hearts, so that their souls can finally find peace in the love of God’s MERCY and GRACE

Jesus, we trust in You

St. Monica of Hippo

 c 332-387, Feast Day: Aug 27th

Patron Saint of :

  • Married women
  • difficult marriages
  • disappointing children
  • victims of adultery or unfaithfulness
  • victims of (verbal) abuse
  • conversion of relatives
  • alcoholics


Padre Pio Haven of Hope

St. Monica of Hippo

Monicas Care House

National Grotto at Emmitsburg

Sock Religious

Monicas’ Hope Ministry is in the process of registering for non-profit organization status.



Copyright © 2024 Monicas' Hope Ministry